Sustarum Thammaboosadee
Dr. Sustarum Thammaboosadee received his PhD (Political Science –International Relations) in 2013 and worked at the College of Interdisciplinary Studies Thammasat University.His most recent book was published in 2023 titled “To Every Sprout of Dreams: History, Case Studies, and the Struggle Path to the Welfare State.” He has also published several articles on Welfare-State and Social Democratic ideas: Thammaboosadee, S. (2019) “After the Winter of Despair: An Awakening to the Welfare State in Thailand via Civic Movements Political Parties in the 2019 General Elections.” SocDem Asia Quarterly 8(1); Thammaboosadee, S. (2021) “A Century of Struggle Brief History of Thailand's Social Democratic Movement, 1932-2020.” PRAKSIS the Journal of Asian Social Democracy Praxis 1(1) 33-47. Dr. Thammaboosadee served as the advisor to the President of the Standing Committee on Labour Affairs, Parliament of Thailand from 2019 to 2021. He currently serves as Director of the Centre of Welfare State and Justice Studies, College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Thammasat University.